Applying for research funding & Research Data Management Planning Tool

The first focus of this workshop is on NRF Funding in general and the following specific programmes:  Thuthuka, the Black Academic Advancement Programme and Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC).

Participants will be guided in the development of applications for the instruments named above.

The second focus will assist you with the requirement of Funders for researchers to meet certain data management criteria. When applying for funding, researchers may be required to submit a technical or data management plan. Example: NRF applicants may be required to provide “Details of Research: Data Management and Utilisation”. In answering this section, the CPUT DMPTool provides guidance and answers for applicants to answer this section.

Please feel free to book this course using the links provided next to each available date.

Available dates:

Guidelines to booking courses via links:

  1. Please click on the link.
  2. Once you have done so you will be asked to sign in using your Gmail address (Your personal Gmail address is required as you will be completing a Google Form).
  3. Thereafter click next and provide the password to your Gmail account.
  4. Once you have submitted your form, remember to keep a look out for a response on the email address you have entered into the form. We encourage you to enter your work email address to avoid missed emails.

For any queries, please contact:

  • Ms Bukiwe Sojiji –
  • Dr Patricia Smit –