
Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET)

The functions, roles, and services that the department offers to staff

The Centres primary mandate is to provide staff development into mainstreaming technology in learning and teaching. In actualising this mandate, the Centre will provide in collaboration with faculties and other cognate Units primarily technical and pedagogical staff development and secondary student support in leveraging. Educational technologies (combined use of practice, pedagogy, hardware, and theory) for learning and teaching relevant to the South African and global context, and for unknow futures.

The vision, and mission, of your faculty or department

Centres vision: CIET seeks to be a leading academic development hub for preparing staff in their use of educational technologies for their teaching and learning of their students for unknown futures. The Centre hopes to significantly contribute to the development of academics at CPUT, South Africa, and globally, academics who are reflective and reflexive in their learning and teaching pedagogies; foreground participatory (learner-centered), social justice, and transformative (including decolonizing) pedagogies in their learning and teaching with technologies and scholarship of teaching and learning.

Mission: In line with CIET's vision, building capacity in staff to be apt in the use of the above pedagogies in learning and teaching with educational technologies, which will help CPUT, South Africa, and beyond, produce graduates who are critical and reflective users of technology; problem solvers and preservers amidst challenges: value and respect diversity and the wealth of knowledge milieu it creates; adaptive. to a changing workplace, and with the ability to stand for truth even if it means being unpopular.

The strategic goals of your faculty or department

CIET's strategic goals are in line with the 7 Focus areas of CPUT Vision 2030.

Course Information

For queries/booking of courses please contact Liyabona Ginya at

List of Courses


Training Presenter Details

Critical Instructional Design: Build Engaging and Impactful Blended Courses

Blackboard Ultra: Basic (Introduction to Blackboard)

16 February 2024

Mvuyisi Mavela

Blackboard Ultra: Intermediate

20 February 2024

Jody Boltney

Blackboard Ultra Advanced

23 February 2024

Jody Boltney

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Design Assistant: Blackboard Ultra

27 February 2024

Mr. Sonwabo Jongile & Mr. Gavin van Niekerk

Increasing in-class participation- promoting student engagement

29 February 2024

Mr. Gavin Van Niekerk

Online Assessment

05 March 2024

Mr. Sonwabo Jongile

Sharing of Good Practice

08 March 2024

CIET Facilitator(s)