
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

The function, role, services that the department offers to staff.

Facilitates the development and implementation of risk assessment (identification, analysis, and evaluation), monitoring and reporting across all faculties, academic departments, projects, and support service functions.

Development and delivery of risk awareness sessions and campaigns to continuously improve and inculcate a risk awareness culture.

Training specified stakeholders as users of the acquired enterprise, governance, risk, and compliance (eGRC) software solution across the university.

Continuously share generally accepted leading practices in enterprise risk management.

Facilitate the collaboration and reporting requirements for Institutional Combined Assurance efforts of the university, including combined assurance process integration.

The strategic goals of your faculty or department

ERM Strategic Intent

The ERM function is committed to alleviating siloes / boundaries and working in an integrated way by:

Communicating, making an active effort to engage with all faculties, functions, and portfolios across the university, and providing effective, and efficient reporting to university structures.

Pro-active risk related engagements and collaborations at strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

Augmenting business process re-engineering (re-design) projects and processes through working in and contributing to matrix structures; including factoring in risk information in contract review and management processes.

Defining clear roles and responsibilities.

Building a climate of integrity, trust, respect, kindness, competency, and accountability to foster continuous, ERM-related incremental improvements in line with the V2030 strategic imperatives.

Creating an enabling environment by fostering and building strong relationships to achieve goals of the V2030 Strategic Plan.

To position the ERM function as a trusted strategic business partner that adds value to the university’s operations and improves governance, risk, and control processes.

Note: Without partnering with our key stakeholders, we realize that it will take an even greater amount of effort and resources to accomplish the same shared 2030 vision.  In our efforts to deliver value-added services, we endeavor to leverage existing opportunities.


Key ERM strategic focus areas are:

Recommend for approval and adoption by senior management, relevant ERM tools, techniques, and practices (TTPs) that add value and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations; safeguard assets, bolsters the integrity of operational information and quality of financial reporting, ameliorates the compliance with laws and regulations, and amplifies the effective management of risk.

Use leading enterprise, governance, risk, and control (eGRC) software platforms and technologies to leverage and optimize quick wins through integrating ERM with business processes.

Fostering a continuous professional development culture to improve and keep up to date with latest ERM thinking and practices.

Provide effective and efficient ERM professional services to the institutional clientele and stakeholders.

To align with the McKinsey Risk Culture framework and other leading risk culture approaches.

The vision, mission, of the faculty, department


The CPUT ERM Vision is to be a leading ERM function in Africa with world class capabilities, to integrate risk management across the University to support the CPUT Vision, Mission and Values and increase the likelihood of achieving strategic, tactical, and operational goals. CPUT will accomplish this vision by:

Embedding risk management, integrity, and ethics within the culture.

Proactively identifying future uncertainties and planning for them; and

Training of employees to think about risks as part of their decision-making

The mission of CPUT ERM services is to foster a continuous improvement risk-aware culture across the University and to integrate risk management into strategic and financial planning processes and decision-making within the confines of Management and Council approved risk appetite and tolerance limits.

Course Information

For queries/booking of courses please contact Liyabona Ginya at

List of Courses


Training presenter details

ERM [Risk] Awareness & Information Sharing Session for Senior and Middle Management, including Fraud Risk Measurement and Management Insights, Fraud Prevention and Deterrence]. Practical insights from the ACFE Fraud Risk Governance and Management Scorecard.

10 June 2024

09:00 – 11:00 hours (2-hour session).



Email: and

Contact no, cell no.: 073 925 8388

ERM Awareness training for staff

11 June 2024

09:00 – 11:00 hours (2-hour session).



Email: and

Contact no, cell no.: 073 925 8388

Risk Technology Refresher Session for Combined Assurance Champions [BarnOwl eGRC Training]

14 June 2024

09:00 – 11:00 hours (2-hour session).

Rueben Chibvongodze

Email: and

Contact no, cell no.: 073 925 8388