Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

Department: Human Capital Learning and Development 

Course Title: Project Management 

Course Presenter: Human Capital Learning and Development

Course Date: 

Start and finish times: 

Start: 09:00

Finish: 16:00

Course Duration: 6 months

Course Description: 

The purpose of this course is to prepare a learner to operate as a project manager, apply knowledge of project management to achieve objectives to initiate a project and execute the project.


  1. Initiate a project to address specific project objectives.
  2. Plan and prepare the delivery of a project.
  3. Execute and control the delivery of a project management plan.
  4. Manage the project close-out process.

Contact Person: 

Human Capital: Learning and Development

Shahieda Bebe Hendricks, cell 082 759 2197, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nadine Waterwitch email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Liyabona Ginya: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Virtual or classroom: Teams/Face-to-face

Maximum number of participants: 20

Approval required? Yes or No: Yes – Line Manager approval to attend training

Confirmation of attendance by (email): 

Confirmation of acceptance of the application will be communicated to you via email by the L&D office

Can be canceled?Yes or No: 

Cancellation may be accepted 5 working days before the course in writing to HC: L&D

Should you not cancel on time, the cost of the training will be for you/your department


1 lesson Beginner