
Increasing in-class participation- promoting student engagement

Increasing in-class participation- promoting student engagement

Department: Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET)

Course Title: Increasing in-class participation- promoting student engagement

Course Presenter: Mr. Gavin Van Niekerk

Course Dates: 29 February 2024

Start and finish times: 10h00-12h00

Course Duration: 2 hours

Course Description

Online, blended, and flexible learning often result in less engagement from students once in the online learning space. How do you get your students to participate and communicate in virtual classrooms? CIET invites you to join our session on increasing student engagement with simple activities and tools to change your approach to active learning. This interactive session is designed to shift your perspective as you will be introduced to a range of freely available and easy to use tools, such as Mentimeter, Kahoot, Collaborate Ultra or Padlet to improve students’ collaboration and engagement. There will be time to practice these tools, collaborate with colleagues and share your own ideas and experiences on how to increase classroom participation and student engagement.

Contact Person Name: Bukeka

Surname: Time-Xakekile

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Virtual or classroom: Online

Maximum number of participants: Unlimited

Link to book the course:TBC       

1 lesson 30 minutes Beginner