Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Department: Human Capital: Learning & Development
Course Title: Conflict Management
Course Presenter: Human Capital Learning & Development
Course Dates: March 2024, June 2024, October 2024
Start and finish times: 09:00-16:00
Course Duration: 1 day
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to prepare individuals to identify and manage the resolution of personal conflict between individuals or teams. A variety of skills and strategies will be explored to assist individuals to manage and resolve potential or escalating conflict.
1.Understand the main sources of conflict.
2.Evaluate your self-awareness and trigger points in dealing with conflict.
3.Analyse and understand the nature of conflicts.
4.Describe and self-regulate internally and the nature of conflicts.
5.Describe appropriate techniques to manage conflict and internalize at least two techniques to rescue and manage any volatile situations.
6.Develop the confidence to tackle conflict effectively and objectively.
7.Developing the attributes of a good conflict leader.
8.Continuously monitor and self-assess your skills to deal with conflict.
Contact Person: Human Capital: Learning and Development
Shahieda Bebe Hendricks:
Nadine Waterwitch:
Liyabona Ginya:
Virtual or classroom: Teams/Face-to-face
Maximum number of participants:20
Approval required? Yes – Line Manager approval to attend training.
Confirmation of attendance by (email): Confirmation of acceptance of application will be communicated to you via email by the L&D office.
Can be cancelled? Yes Cancellation may be accepted 5 working days prior to the course in writing to HC: L&D
Should you not cancel on time, the cost of the training will be for you/department.